A Lie algebra is a vector space together with a special (1,2)-tensor called commutator, or ad tensor. To define a Lie algebra in Mathematica, enter the (1,2)-tensor ad as a skew-symmetric "matrix", using the command Table2ad.
To evaluate the commutator say [+,b·], we type
We check, if ad is skew and satisfies the Jacobi identity. ad has to annihilate the functions adSkew and adJacobi. It turns out, that only for certain parameters a and λ, ad is a Lie-algebra commutator.
The tensor ad often represents the commutator of a matrix algebra. gl2ad converts a basis of matrices into the corresponding ad tensor of the matrix Lie algebra. In the following example we are dealing with the algebra sl(2,R).
The matrices of sl2R and ad correspond in the following way.
The following command shows a basis for the smallest subalgebra generated by the set of elements {{0,1,a},{0,1,0}}. The value a is assumed to be non-zero.
The (0,2) tensor Killing-Form of sl(2,R) in the chosen basis is
The α below induces a change of basis, so that Killing-Form is diagonal. The parameter d∈R is arbitrary.
As a (1,2) tensor, ad transforms by Τα[ad,1,α]. To carry out these transformations by hand, is a source for annoying mistakes. Here, a final example:
Created by Mathematica (September 30, 2006) |